Improvements to our Portfolio Manager and more

Hide past holdings, e-mail tools and fund lists and explore our methodology documents

David Agasi | 16-09-09 | E-mail Article

Hiding securities that you no longer hold

Morningstar Portfolio Manager users are probably aware of the fact that the tool is set to display all the securities that comprise your portfolio, even if you no longer hold one or more of them. Now, you can easily filter out securities that you no longer hold and focus only on those securities that you do currently hold. Simply tick the box below the total line on the ‘snapshot’ tab. This setting will be applied automatically to some of the other tabs, as well as to your other portfolios.

Our new Methodology page

Here at Morningstar we are very proud of the clearly-defined and transparent methodologies that are used for our data, research and tools – our Morningstar Rating, Morningstar Qualitative Rating, Morningstar Style Box and risk statistics to name a few. In order to make our methodology as accessible as possible, you can now find all the relevant methodologies and fact sheets listed on our new Methodology page.

E-mail a tool or a list of funds to a friend

If you wish to forward one of our tools to any of your colleagues or acquaintances, simply click the small envelope icon that appears below the top horizontal navigation bar, fill in the relevant e-mail address (you can include a short message, if you want) and send it away. If you are viewing a filtered list of funds (e.g. using Fund QuickRank) and use the new feature to e-mail it to a colleague, a link to this specific filtered view and not just the tool in general, will be sent.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Morningstar support team.


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