Easily suggest funds you would like us to research

Introducing a new way to tell us which funds you would like us to research

Jackie Beard | 11-08-09 | E-mail Article

We asked you recently to let us know which funds you’d like us to include in our Qualitative Ratings Service – thank you to all of you who took the time to respond.

A good number of the funds mentioned are already in the pipeline so do keep checking the website regularly for updates. In particular, we will soon be releasing a raft of bond fund ratings, as we’ve been focusing specifically on this area in recent weeks.

Some of you mentioned absolute return funds. This is an area we plan to cover but need to investigate how to report the data in our four-page reports due to the short positions. This is therefore a work in progress.

We will also soon be turning to some of the less covered areas soon, such as India and China, as we drill down further into this space.

We would like your feedback and requests to keep coming so have made the process even simpler. When viewing the ‘overview’ tab of a fund for which we don’t yet have a Morningstar Qualitative Rating, you will find a link saying ‘Request this fund to be rated’. Simply click the link and submit your request – we would also appreciate it if you could explain your reasoning. We can’t guarantee immediate coverage but we’ll certainly take it on board.

Thanks again for your interest - we’re working hard to deliver reports on the funds you want to hear about.

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