Some useful improvements to our article template

Make the most of our articles and keep up to date with company and site news

David Agasi | 08-06-09 | E-mail Article

Powerful improvements to our article template

On each article (such as this one), to the right of the writer’s name and publication date, you can now notice several useful links –

- E-mail article – easily send the article to colleagues and fellow investors.

- Print article – provides a printable-friendly version of the article (important note: printing articles is for personal, non-commercial use only).

- Permissions/Reprints - in case you are interested in permissions to use Morningstar content in your internal or external publications, please follow the link and fill in the relevant form.

- AAA – click any of the ‘A’ letters to increase the text size to more easily read the article.

Company specific news tab

Looking for new ways to help you keep abreast of news related to companies you are interested in, we have now added a new tab under the Company QuickTake – the ‘News’ tab. This tab aggregates the Dow Jones Market News and the RNA (Regulatory News Announcements) for that relevant company. Please see how the tab looks like for Vodafone.

Keeping track of site enhancements

In the bottom right-hand corner of the homepage you can now find a list of the recent site news articles (such as this one) that highlight the major enhancements to the site – being familiar with them will help you make the most out the comprehensive set of tools available on the site.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Morningstar support team via our support interface.


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