Monday quiz

Test your investment knowledge with our quick and easy Monday morning quiz.

Holly Cook | 20-04-09 | E-mail Article

1. Asset allocation is:
a) a strategy of spreading your investment pounds among different markets, sectors, industries and securities to minimize portfolio risk;

b) the portion of company earnings that a corporation pays to its shareholders;

c) a strategy of dividing your investments among different categories of investment, such as stocks, funds, bonds, cash equivalent and property.

2. If you invest £200 a month in a tax-deferred account beginning at age 25, and it earns 7% annually, how much money will you have by the age of 65?
a) £96,000

b) £162,000

c) £513,000

3. What is the total amount that an individual can invest in an ISA in any tax year?
a) £7,200 in stocks and shares

b) £3,600 in cash and £3,600 in stocks and shares

c) £2,000 in cash and £5,200 in stocks and shares

1. Answer: c) Asset allocation is a strategy for minimizing risk and maximizing returns by investing in different categories, or classes, of securities. Asset allocation can help you limit, or offset, losses in one asset class with potential gains in another. Click here to read up on why diversification matters.

2. Answer: c) £513,000. Over the 40 year period you would have invested a total of £96,000. After 25 years of your investment compounding at a rate of 7% annually, you will have £162,000. And additional 15 years of investing would see the overall value of your investment jump to £513,000 as it will have had longer to compound even though you would only have invested a further £36,000 over this time. Click here to read up on pound cost averaging.

3. Answer: all of the above. The total amount that an individual can invest into an ISA in any tax year is currently £7200. This can be structured in numerous combinations, the limitation being that no more than half - £3,600 - can be Cash ISA. Clearly, one is not required to reach the £7200 limitation and can invest a smaller amount. Only one cash ISA is allowed per financial year. There is talk, however, that the current financial downturn could spur Chancellor Alistair Darling to increase the annual limit in the upcoming Budget this Wednesday, with rumours suggesting a hike to a £10,000 limit could be on the cards. Note, however, that any increase announced later this month will not take affect until the following years. Click here to read up on ISA investing.

Holly Cook is Site Editor of and She would like to hear from you but cannot give financial advice. You can contact the author via this feedback form.
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