GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port IS Inc USD

Name of CompanyGoldman Sachs Asset Management B.V.
AddressPrinses Beatrixlaan 35
 Den Haag   2595 AK
Other Share Classes
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port A Inc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port A Inc USD MDist
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Base Acc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Base Inc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port BaseIncUSDMDist
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port E Acc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port E Inc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Acc CHF H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Acc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Acc JPY H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Acc SEK H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Acc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Inc AUD H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Inc EUR
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Inc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Inc GBP H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I Inc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port I JPY H SDist
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port IS Inc GBP H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port IXO USD MDist
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Oth Ccy AccCHFH
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Oth Ccy AccEURH
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Oth Ccy AccSEKH
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Oth Ccy IncCHFH
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Oth Ccy IncEURH
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port Oth Ccy IncGBPH
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port P Acc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port P Acc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port P Inc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port P Inc GBP H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port P Inc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port P USD MDist
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R Acc CHF H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R Acc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R Acc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R Inc EUR H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R Inc GBP H
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R Inc USD
GS Global Dyn Bd Pl Port R USD MDist
Legal StructureSICAV
Inception Date04/12/2017
Fund Advisor(s)
Goldman Sachs Asset Management International
Fund ManagerSophia Ferguson
Manager Start Date01/05/2022
Sophia is a portfolio manager within Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fixed Income. She joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management in November 2019 as a portfolio manager Fixed Income team focused on global multi-sector credit and investment grade strategies. Sophia has over a decade of industry experience managing Fixed Income portfolios for a diverse range of clients, with expertise in quantitative and fundamental investment styles spanning a variety of sub-asset classes, including investment grade credit, high yield credit, sovereign debt, and currency. In addition, Sophia has experience constructing ESG-oriented portfolio solutions and has achieved the CFA UK Certificate in ESG Investing. Previously, Sophia was a portfolio manager at State Street Global Advisors, where she focused on active fixed income and currency portfolio management, originating and implementing alpha strategies. Sophia holds a Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College's Honors Program with a major in History and a minor in Mathematics & Statistics.
Fund ManagerSimon Dangoor
Manager Start Date31/12/2020
Career Start Year2004
2004, University of Cambridge, B.A.
Simon Dangoor, Managing Director, Head of Macro Rates Investing. Simon is head of Macro Rates Investing within Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s Fixed Income team and leads the team’s range of macro-focused directional and relative value strategies within Developed Market rates. He is also responsible for leading the Government and Swap Strategy that focuses on relative value opportunities in government, agency, interest rate swaps and inflation markets. Simon is a member of the Fixed Income Strategy Group, which oversees Global Fixed Income and Currency portfolios. Previously, he led the Country Strategy, a component of Macro Rates Strategies that focuses on cross-market interest rate and sovereign risk opportunities. Simon joined Goldman Sachs as an analyst in 2004 and was named managing director in 2011. Simon earned a BA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 2004. He is a CFA charterholder.
Fund ManagerPuran Narwani
Manager Start Date17/09/2021
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